A slogan preached and harped on at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy and perfected at my Agency. Over two years after the wreck Agent S and I receive an email from my Assistant Agent In Charge advising that we are going to the Post-Critical Incident Seminar (PCIS) at Headquarters.
After receiving the Email I talked with Agent S about it, trying to figure out why I was going. With her it made since (two years too late, but still) nearly dying tends have an effect on someone. It comes down to C. Y. A., at least according to my Supervisor and Casey from Sandyland.
To me, it makes absolutely no since and that is apparently the exact reason why I am going. With State Government, if it does not make any since that is what will happen.
First off, it has been two long years. The issues that I had and have are safely compartmentalized somewhere deep in my head...and I guess that is the real issue is it not. I know deep down in that locked off and barricaded compartment that I am still standing on that median watching events unfold before me. Fighting the urges that I know will only hinder rescue. Doing what has to be done as I stop the EMTs and remove their gun belts (hindering rescue anyway) and gather their belongings. The issue is I do not want to go through it again. It is locked off and barricaded, leave it be...but that is not to be the way of it.
Now, I have to drag it out piece by piece. This time before fellow Gunslingers, not random Sheeple or those that were there, but Gunslingers. Those who have gone through much worse, and that makes me afraid of looking like a fool.
I voiced this to Agent S (not the whole thing, just the looking like a fool part), who dashed my seemingly logical argument to pieces with a single statement, "You can be there for me." Not only does this make me look stupidly selfish for putting my wants before the needs of another, but also appealed to my ego. What Gunslinger can resist rescuing the girl.
Second, after Agent S set me straight on the reason that I was going, I begged the question, "Was Agent L going as well?" As it turns out, the answer is no. In the AAICs divine wisdom, he has determined that it would be best for a Chaplin from the Department to speak with her and decide whether or not it would be proper for her to attend this or another PCIS...I had to stop myself from responding to this seemingly idiotic reply.
Luckily Agent S did so for me. Her argument, "Proper! She is the most physically and emotionally scared of us all! If anyone needs this it's her!" The AAIC stopped her, "I'm not prepared to have a discussion about this. This is the way things are going to be." The discussion continued and down graded to a point that I needed to tell Agent S that it was time to go.
Looking back on it now, with a clear head, he was right. He just did not explain his position in any shape, form, or fashion. It now makes since to have a professional speak with Agent L and discuss what her needs are. Whether it be a one on one with the Chaplin or going to a PCIS or doing nothing at all at this time. To have them determine what would be best for her...and the Agency. Because in the end, it is all about Covering the Agency.
As a side note, Agent L has made little progress in the past two years. She still has a long road ahead of her and there is much blocking her path.
Semper Fi Deus
1 week ago