I just returned home from the house of my Mother and my Step-family. I had a splendid time with them, but I am glad for the current state of piece and quite (and a renewed vigor for my never have children policy). This is the first Christmas Eve in my life that I did not spend with the family of my Father. It was an emotional decision to make a choice between the two families. However, the choice was made easier by the fact that I only knew when and where one would be.
I am not sure that this is the start of a new tradition. To be honest, I hope it will not. My Step-family is a little more...lively than I am used to, especially the children. Also, with this family gathering came the opening of presents. My step-father said that it would be the only time that they would all be together. I am not used to opening presents on Christmas Eve and to me it kind of takes away some of the magic of Christmas Day.
However, with that part of Christmas out of the way, we can focus more on the actual reason that we celebrate Christmas. Christ. Now, I will go ahead and state for the record that I am not a scholar on this subject by any means, but this is what I know.
Some time around 2000 years ago a baby was born. Whether or not it was this night no one knows. That baby was born to a Virgin, Mary, and her husband, Joseph, in the City of David. Once born the baby was clothed with random strips of cloth found around the Stable and placed in a feeding trough to sleep.
Elsewhere, in the neighboring countryside, several Shepards where pulling the third shift. Suddenly, an Angel appeared and with him the light of Heaven. Due to the fact that these Shepards were in the countryside, the only light that would have been around would be the lights from the city, a camp fire, and mayhap the Moon, to suddenly more light than they have ever seen in their lives, their reaction was understandable. Fear. The Angel knowing that they were afraid said, "Don't be afraid. I'm bringing you great news that will be told to all people. In the City of David, Christ the Lord has been born for you. He is wrapped in swaddling clothes and is lying in a manger." Once the Angel delivered this message more Angels appeared and gave glory to God.
Once the Angels left, the Shepards decided to go see the Christ child. Being that the city probably only had a handful of Stables and being Shepards they knew where they all were. So, they headed off toward the City, leaving their Sheep unguarded. The Shepards found the Christ Child and new Mother and Father, just as the Angel had told them. They then began worshiping God and went throughout the City proclaiming what had happened. They then went back to their post and finished out their shift.
My Mother reading the above story (Luke chapter 2) is also a Christmas tradition that was kept tonight before we exchanged gifts. The two children practically had to be hog tied to keep them from tearing into the gifts during the reading. Then we took turns opening the gifts, during this the children actually needed to be hog tied, but were not. This lasted one round before everyone tore into their gifts. Thanks were then exchanged and everyone went their separate ways.
During the festivities, I had actually almost forgotten about the family member that were not there, most notably my Father. That was until I opened one of my gifts. It was a photo album. All of the pictures in it where of my Father, all before, at, or directly after my birth. One picture stood out though. A picture that was taken when I was five. It was a picture of me firing an MP-5 for the very first time. Directly behind me was my Father, steadying me and ready to take over if something were to go wrong. In the picture you can see the pride in his face that he boy was doing so well. Needless to say I burst into tears and everyone began to wonder what was the matter.
I excused myself and took a breather in the cool night air. My Mother followed me out and we had a long talk, mostly about the guilt that I felt for having forgotten my Father. She said things that only a Mother can and of course made me feel better.
Tomorrow, will be another day of new traditions. One that will be of spending time with family and worshipping the Lord on the day that we celebrate his birth. I will also be remembering the ones that will not be able to spend time with their families this Christmas season.
With that I want to wish a Merry Christmas to all the Military men and women who are spending this Christmas in war zones far away. Also, a Merry Christmas to my fellow Police, Fire Fighters, and Emergency Medical Personnel who will be working this Christmas.
And Finally a Merry Christmas to you and yorn.
Semper Fi Deus,
1 week ago
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